Rescue is a Christ-centered, interdenominational non-governmental organization that seeks to impact nations and promote the welfare of entire families, both within and outside the country. Since 2013, we have touched the hearts of many people in various towns, cities, and communities, spreading the word of God.
Our goal is to offer spiritual and emotional support to all individuals seeking to be enriched by the word of God.
RESCUE is a non-governmental organization dedicated to the holistic development of families in Colombia and around the world. Our goal is to enhance collective and individual capacities to transform society and eradicate poverty. We spread the gospel and good news to all humanity, offering humanitarian aid donations and medical brigades to meet essential survival needs worldwide.
We aspire to be recognized as an organization committed to the holistic social development of children, youth, and adults, reaching the most remote and neglected corners of the world. We aim to have the necessary capabilities to fulfill the rights of every individual worldwide and, through the word of God, eradicate the basic needs of entire families.

In 2012, Oscar Rodríguez received a prophetic word in the Amazon: "Mobilize young people into the mission field and start a mission ministry."
Conflicted by this message and his surroundings, Oscar questioned what it meant to be a missionary and whether this calling was truly for him. He was desperate to understand God's will.
Soon after, God answered him through scripture, confirming his call to missions: 'Ask me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession.' (Psalms 2:8)
Filled with passion and a burden to fulfill his calling, Oscar became more attuned to the vulnerable circumstances many families in and outside of Colombia faced. He pondered how to improve their quality of life and save them. This question prompted him to take action and step into what God had planned for him.
And like that RESCUE was born in 2013.
Rescue continues to work on various projects, unwilling to be content with past achievements for Jesus. Our goal is to raise generations passionate about the gospel, win souls for Christ, reach all parts of the world, and capture the hearts of those desperate to see change in their lives. All these elements form the vision of God for Rescue, paving the way to save entire families for God and lift them out of the extreme poverty they endure.
RESCUE will continue to impact the nations and contribute to a visible change in the vulnerable population

Since our foundation in 2013, we have reached over 100,000 people, with 50,000 accepting Christ as their savior.
We have sent missionaries to more than 15 countries, including Mexico, Brazil, the United States, Chile, Argentina, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Bolivia, Paraguay, India, Nepal, and many others.
Our projects have included remodeling schools, churches, and supporting indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities.
Our missions also involve conducting medical brigades and providing essential supplies and gifts to children, youth, and adults living in extreme poverty.

• Develop missions nationally and internationally in churches, communities and allied organizations bringing donations, humanitarian assistance and medical brigades.
• Consolidate the families reached to start discipleship projects in the communities and churches where the missions are carried out.
• Delegate fronts for a better development and a better distribution of activities, social and ministerial work for each volunteer, thus being an integral missionary organization.
• Involve the companies of the world in our social work.
• Reach people with a sense of responsibility, commitment and efficiency in addressing difficulties, individual and collective needs to improve the living conditions of the vulnerable population.
• Promote social, economic and cultural development in the regions visited to contribute to continuous improvement.
• Continue working so that every person in the world knows God's message.
• Support the different offices of Ecofamiliar at a national and international level in social and ministerial assistance.